//Annette Vogt Widmer// On 1 September 2023, Switzerland’s revised Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) came into force together with its implementing provisions, the Data Protection Ordinance (DPO). What do the changes mean for companies and organizations from the EU?…
Navigating Personal Data Transfers to Türkiye from the EU
// Eyüp Kun and Abdullah Elbi // Introduction and context The GDPR establishes strict requirements for personal data transfers outside the EU, demanding adequate safeguards and ensuring that data subjects have enforceable rights and effective legal remedies. The blogpost is…
On the Creativity of the Artificial Intelligence Creation
//by Murat Gülsoy// Although it doesn’t progress linearly, we can say that science and technology have expanded their boundaries over time and changed our relationship with the world. The advances in science and the technological innovations that accompany them bring…
Children’s Privacy – lost on TikTok? DPC fines € 345 million
TikTok is the most popular social media service for children. The Irish DPC provided a decision on the platform regarding the data processing of children’s data. The DPC imposed a fine of €345 million against TikTok and an order to…
Challenges of AI regulation in the EU-trilogue: Searching for a balanced solution
//by Behrang Raji // With the new AI regulation, the European Union has decided to create a globally pioneering legal framework for AI technologies, aiming to safeguard fundamental values. On June 14th, the European Parliament adopted its position, enabling the…
CJEU: the right to a copy of data
by Gerald Trieb and Stephanie Briegl// In its decision of 4 May 2023, the European Court of Justice (CJEU, C-487/21) dealt with the term “copy” and its the meaning of under Art 15 para 3 of the GDPR. CRIF, a credit reference…
Negotiations in the Council of Europe on the Convention on Artificial Intelligence: the ongoing story of the mountain which labored and brought forth a mouse
Anonymous// When, in 2021, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (CoE) set up a Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAI)1, tasked with the elaboration of a legal instrument on the development, design, and application of artificial intelligence (AI)…
Landmark of CJEU: any immaterial damage compensatable according to GDPR
The plaintiff has to demonstrate that he has suffered a material or an immaterial damage. A mere infringement of GDPR is not sufficient for granting a compensation. However, any immaterial damage is compensatabel. A certain threshold or seriousness of the…
5 years DPOblog.eu
“Turnig Point“ was the title of one of the first articles on DPOblog.eu at 25th April 20181: “With 25th of May 2018 we are reaching a turning point in data protection. The EU sets a worldwide standard which will generate…
Children’s Rights in the Digital Space
by Sarah Kunz von Hoyningen-Huene and Jutta Oberlin// The digital age not only fundamentally changed our professional environment, but also our social interactions in our private lives. Digital communication channels simplify getting in touch with many people and letting people…